Saint Jizo-San and Baby Pumpkin
acrylic on canvas 10x10 2011
acrylic on canvas 10x10 2011
Saint Jizo-San is a Buddhist bodhisattva who is widely loved for being the patron saint of children and protector of children's souls after death, as well as a patron saint of travelers. He is very often shown as a cute, happy, roly-poly little monk, child-like and serene. He is shown here holding a baby angel, surrounded by the Japanese kanji for protection, child, journey, and love.
Saint Jizo-San and Baby Pumpkin
acrylic on paper 4.5x4.5 2011
acrylic on paper 4.5x4.5 2011
I made these paintings for my husband after our daughter, AdiaRose, was born at thirty-two weeks on September 22nd, 2011 and passed away an hour later. We wanted to share them with other parents who are living with the loss of their child.